First Video Effort

Like it, especially the chuffing sounds....
Thanks Chaps; you have spurred me on to do another- watch this space!

Very nice, certainly the half speed has sorted out the problems of Live Steam going too fast. Yes more like this please. Though there are the odd vids that are well done without this problem.

Did the Freemake allow the half speed option?
Hello Jon, the editing was done using Windows Movie Maker, a free program included in Windows 7. Being an absolute novice, I didn't know whether I'd take to videoing so just played about with M M and these are the results. The speed options are included in that program.
I only used Freemake to convert and add the first clip to Youtube, but used Movie Maker to edit, convert and prepare the second without Freemake.
Booth were shot at AVCHD on an (oldish) Panasonic SDT750; this file format is not quick nor easy to handle as the files are massive, hence the need to convert to AVI. (A faster/more powerful computer would help as well.)
I have just purchased a tiny secondhand Canon Legria FS306 which shoots Standard Definition and look forward to seeing how that performs (nearly said 'PANS OUT' there...) and view the quality of the results.
Just need some reasonable weather now...
dunnyrail said:
Very nice, certainly the half speed has sorted out the problems of Live Steam going too fast. Yes more like this please. Though there are the odd vids that are well done without this problem.

Did the Freemake allow the half speed option?
Many thanks for the Technical Info. Will need to see what I can do with my system. Have miles of Vid but editing can take an age. Have been on Mac for ages now and my new one bought earlier this year should do most of the biso. I also tend to use the iPhone a lot for Vid as it means that I can upload it instantly. However quality will never be the same as a Camcorder. Also difficult to drive and Vid at the same time, particularly Live Steam. I think that I will need to make a Story Board like the pro's do then film with Locomotives on Auto Run at varying parts of the line. All for later now though as still busy trying to build my new line between the awful weather after the hot summer where I had been trying to lay bricks and stuff.
ROSS said:
Ready when you Mr de Mille:rolf:
Oh you could call him "Cecil":D:D:D:D
Just wondering do you chasps who take such superb videos dress appropriately for the occasion, Jodhpurs, riding crop, boots, pith helmet and megaphone?