Flame in Smokebox (what the problem?)


Went to do some more test runs today with my new recently Accurcraft 'Caradoc'. Had two runs out of her so far, getting use to the R/C controls. With the slightly warmer weather today, I though it would be the right time to get her on her first train, so started about firing up procedure and getting the rolling stock on the track.
Once all oiled and water up, I filled the gas (Go-System Butune/Propane mix). All filled I opened the gas to let the bubbles and crackles out, until it was just a calm gas follow noise (I do this before every run). I let the excess gas drift away before, I finally went to light it. I opened the gas, give it a flame, but the flame just sat in the firebox and would not head back to the burner. I turned of the gas, waited, and started again. Same result. I did this 5 times before I give up.
I've had a word with Matt of Barley Pit Works, who's been of great help answering many of my questions about the loco and live steam, he's come the conclusion that it could possible be a partly blocked jet. Sadly I've not got the right size spanners at the moment to get it out, so will have to wait.
Anyone else had this issue? Could it be something else? I know blocked jets are at common thing, never had one to date, so got to learn how to sort it at some point.
Many thanks Callum
Matt is right this is a blocked jet. Take out pipework and jet holder by undoing nut on gas tank and remove pipe and jet complete. Take off jet and upend it on your gas filler valve on your gas bottle nose first!. If you dont want this to happen again the cut a bit of coffee filter paper or even news paper 1/4 by half inch (ish). Roll between fingers so that it will drop loosely in the back of the jet. Must be a loose fit and the rolled paper should expand into the hole. Replace jet using a bit of thread seal or a bit of PTFE tape (this is important as ANY slight leakage here will knacker the burn and it will burn in smokebox) Replace all and it will then never happen ever again. As I told my wife when we were courting, "Trust me, I'm a sailor..." Seriously I have come across this many many times in my thirty odd years with these little steam dragons...
Try filling the gas system first, then do the other jobs, I've found that doing it this way, then leaving as long a state possible between gas filling and ignition helps a lot.

I think what happens is the gas turns to liquid in the tank and needs a few mins to warm up and re-gasify.

Obviously it's probably worth checking the gas jet as well, as a well working gas jet in rather essential to good running

Is the Thread Seal to be used around the Thread of the Jet itself? Or where the whole Assembly slots into the boiler?

Around the thread of the jet, also make sure that the where the jet assembly goes into the burner make sure that it is a tight fit, the only air coming into the burner must only be through the hole in the burner mixing tube to create a proper venturi effect to draw in the air to mix with the gas.
