G scale K-27 revolution train engineer install

Have 3 sone and the installation is pretty simple. But are you talking Battery or Track Power? I would imagine the K27 has plenty of room in the tender it will be all about how many wires come into the tender and what they are. My jobs were a couple of Railcars and an LGB Unita Mallett.
Hi folks has anyone here I stalled a revo sound receiver in a bachmann K-27 as I need some help please...
A few words of caution, if you intend using Bachmann's chuff sensors. These are wired unconventionally on the K-27. Bachmann changed this on their other, later, introductions but AFAIK never changed the K-27.
This link http://www.phoenixsound.com/pdf/BachK27.pdf to instructions on installing Phoenix units may be of some help, in particular page 12.
In addition to the Phoenix instructions, the physical chuff timing is adjustable, there is a moveable piece of plastic that interrupts the opto sensor, and it can be adjusted to get the chuff timing exactly on.

Also the comment in the file that you need a transistor to "boost" the chuff signal is incorrect, the chuff logic is backwards, and the addition of a single transistor will invert and correct the logic. (chuff trigger should be pulse to ground, but in the K-27 is is pulse to positive)

There are other documents that tell you where to put the transistor, but you can use a simple NPN switching transistor.


(after this false start, where an individual tried to establish a new convention for the trigger logic, the C-19 was produced with the industry standard logic)
Have 3 sone and the installation is pretty simple. But are you talking Battery or Track Power? I would imagine the K27 has plenty of room in the tender it will be all about how many wires come into the tender and what they are. My jobs were a couple of Railcars and an LGB Unita Mallett.
Hello thankyou for the replies,, my concern is,in relation to controlling the lights and smoke..the reason being,,,apparently the motherboard on the k27 does not have forward voltage for the lighting and smoke,one the train engineer receiver is fitted apparently
Hello thankyou for the replies,, my concern is,in relation to controlling the lights and smoke..the reason being,,,apparently the motherboard on the k27 does not have forward voltage for the lighting and smoke,one the train engineer receiver is fitted apparently
So I'm assuming I will need to use the auxiliary harness supplied by crest to control the lights etc ..
Pretty sure there is a fairly comprehensive thread on here about this? - I know we went into chapter and verse on inverting the 'chuff' signal..
The modification was to the chuff lead on the original Bachmann board... the "free lead" on the transistor goes to the chuff input on the Revolution.

Hi Greg thankyou for your reply, on the question of battery conversion for my Shays can you think of any reason why I couldn't use a 14v Lipo battery to power my revo receiver for my Shays?
I would only use Lithium batteries in any conversion, more power in smaller space, but get the right charger and treat them well.

You said specifically Li-Po, so if you are using cells in pouches, you need to ensure no way they can get pinched or punctured.

Cylindrical batteries best for self installs in most cases.
