Gauge 1 loco AC how can I run it with DC ???


Hello girls and guys,

I would like to run my old gauge 1 loco AC on DC.
How can I manage this by using diodes ?
Can anyone describe me how (perhaps with a sketch)??

Kind regards

That depends on the type of motor. If it has a permanent magnet for the field it should be easy, if it has a wound field it's still not difficult but slightly more involved. It would also help to know how the reversing was performed with a.c.

A photo of the innards may help.
is it a marklin guage one, if so there may be a converter board kit

yes it´s a Märklin gauge 1 , here are 2 pics from inside:

Kind regards

Hi Soeren, Is this a Marklin MAXI loco?

The plug-in board looks very much like the Delta decoder that came with my MAXI loco, and which I replaced with a DCC decoder.  My loco has a DC motor and also comes with a DC adapter board, Marklin part 66802.  You just need one of these (on the left) I think?


It should be easy to make an adaptor if you can`t find the Marklin part.  The diodes are only there for the directional lights, and the adaptor plate bridges the track pickups to the motor connections.

I made an adaptor board for my DCC decoder from standard copper-strip board, like this:


I found the 66802 on
Hello Nick,

thank you very much for your tips.
I´ll try to get the 66802 on ebay.
That´s the easiest way ;) ;)

Kind regards and a nice week end

Hi Nick,

I´ve got one on ebay :D :D :D

After making from german gauge 1 "Emma"
a british G scale " Mona" I´ll post a photo ;)

Kind regards

That's good. Looking forward to seeing the photo!