Gaugemaster controller not controlling?

alec dawe

Railways, Cars, Wine!
Some time ago I bought off evil bay a Gaugemaster 5 amp controller, oldish but working fine.
It blew the protection fuse after a derailment, but now, after fitting a new fuse, it supplies power, but no control.
As soon as you select either forward or reverse, you get full power, the control potentiometer does absolutely nothing.
Any ideas?
Should I send it to Gaugemater?
They will usally honour warrenty even if you not original owner, ring them explain and see they very gd, never had G scale controllers from them, but loads when used to model N gauge
Worth sending them an e-mail Alec.

I've had one repaired by them....
Me too, their service appears to be better than their products sometimes. Having said that I would (and probably will have to) buy one of their new 5 amp controllers.
mole said:
sent one back 3 months ago soon fixed downside is the £9 00 postage to send it
Shows how they work, that one Chris bought from me and it was second hand when I had it. Good service but as Chris says postage is a bit pricey.
When I've had a G/master controller fault, I've returned it to their stand at an exhibition..thus saving postage! And the returned product has been shipped back to me normally within 10 days. Great service!
They are at the NEC in November if you can wait that long! Maybe other shows before then( Hornby, P'boro? ), might be worth checking their website

Or you could always take it to their shop...admittedly a long journey for some. And tempting items on display...

Emailed them.
Seems its a very old model, but will repair for £15.00 plus postage! I wonder if its worth drilling out the rivets and looking at it myself!
By your description of the fault, it may be that the power transistor has failed 'short', so it passes full power to the track at all times...

Cost of a suitable replacement, around £2.....if that fixes the fault..
Not having seen inside a sealed g/master unit, I would guess it's a plastic bodied power transistor of the T05/T0220 style, maybe a 2N3055, rather then the metal cased T03 style

Against £15 plus £9 postage for g/master repair...

Your call...

Once back from holliers, I think a little very careful surgery might be in order.
Any idea who might supply the power transistor? Maplins?
As documented previously I had one that failed following a derailment, I sent it back and they repaired it and returned it covering the return postage themselves, great until the fault reoccurred following another minor derailment ( caused by wind blown debris ) I subsequently purchased a new controller from Helmsman :love:
Thanks Garry,
If the 'home repair' doesn't come up to scratch, I'll be either looking at battery power, or Helmsman.