Gaugemaster series 10 (power unit EN60 742)


I have used the dc output to power to some miniature relays boards used on my model railway club's N gauge layout. These have all been damaged. I suspect that the dc output is only half wave rectified. Can anyone confirm this?
It is interesting that I use this controller to drive my LGB track cleaning loco and I have whinged on this site about the way this loco vibrates its way around the track. If the dc output is only half wave rectified, could this be the problem?

I would be very surprised if this unit was designed to have half wave output. If it is giving half wave a likely explanation would be that one or maybe more diodes in the bridge rectifier have failed.
The best way to check would be to connect an oscilloscope to the output to view the waveform.
Terry, if you can get your controller to me at BSE, I'll have a look at it at work for you and confirm if there's a problem with it....