Greetings from Ireland

Welcome to the Forum, Pat. We have a few from Ireland on here already. There's plenty of help available on here, and also lots of dodgy humour. And pictures, we like pictures!
Welcome to the madness Pat....
Welcome Pat, you should find all you need here, don't be afraid to ask, there are no daft questions, we all started somewhere, just remember the 2 main points of the forum, Humour, photos and trains!
Welcome aboard Pat.
Welcome to the Forum! There's plenty to look at and read here, but remember that there isn't one, correct, way of doing things. If you're not quite sure about something, ask. Or do what a lot of us did/still do, and make it up as you go along -and  then ask!
Hello Pat, Tá áthas orm bualadh leat

What part of the delightful Isle do you hail from, My heart is always in Mayo personally and you will also find trammayo trammayo there also, who is the only real other active Eire member. You will have to bash (build your own) irish replica locos (some 16mm scale will probably correct me on this and say there are Irish kits available) if you catch the bug and go beyond the christmas layout as I did. !
Hello to this marvellous site! I also travel to shows with a layout in a trailer.
Welcome indeed from a half-Paddy [from me da]. There ARE models of Irish narrow gauge prototypes, but right now that's probably a step too far as you are beginning with a Christmas tree layout.

There are, however, NO models of Irish locomotives, apart from a Donegal articulated railcar by Accucraft, priced not far off a thousand British pounds these days, always supposing you could find one for sale. AAMOI, the Garden Railway modellers of Irish NG are called the Association of 15mm modellers, after the actual scale of the models.

Depending on where you live, old flún trammayo looks like your best bet for contact, unless you live down SW at the pointy bit.
I have several of those engines and placed the Zimo HO decoder (MX645) with the P22. I now have lights and sound and for just $120 US for the parts. I do the same thing on the LGB rail truck, this decoder fits inside under the hood perfectly.
I also set it for DC and DCC operation.