Greetings from Ireland

PatsRailway1 PatsRailway1 if you want to do a build thread for your railway then it is better in the 'Large scale pictures' section. Others have some great threads on the development of their railways there and this means you can keep your audience as it all will be in the same place. This 'New members' section is really for a 'meet'n'greet'. Thanks.
Welcome to the forum Pat, DCC can indeed be complex but if you do not want to faff about with it, things can be as easy as having a Chip Fitted loco and attaching 2 wires to the track.
Well im not filling that. thats for the christmas lights. starting small. have 2 small engines and about 10 mixes of steps
Always nice to have room to expand if you can! My largest garden was approx 1/5th of an acres but that was the complete plot including house and front garden. The 150x40 foot garden at the back was plenty enough for my garden railway which was mostly on one side only. Current one 20x80 feet which is plenty but I would like space enough for a nice big wood cabin! Even though I already have 4 sheds!