Re:GRS RTR Festiniog Coach
thecsmann said:
and max have you taken any photos of the whr coach? are the instrutions just 1/2 a diagram like some of there other kits ?could be another option as i would like a moden fr/whr set .
Sorry no pic's yet. I have got as far as completing the "outer" body and the inner glazing "boxes". More of the significance of this arrangement below.
Instructions are the usual tortuous prose that requires an intimate understanding of "real world" rolling stock terminoligy , murcky B&W photos that tell you little and line drawings that work like one of Escheler's "impossible objects" and are as difficult to divine information from
The real headbanger is the method of fixing the internal clear styrene glazing boxes (from which the car derives its rigidity) to the car's floor and the set up of the roof fixing to this assemblage to complete the whole shebang as a working running unit. It just is not explained clearly in the instructions:crying:. This point was agreed with by a person at GRS charged with building some RTR examples. They tried to explain it to me, I think I got it on the third attempt, patient and understanding fellow.
These are long vehicals and will require bogie mounts for the couplings, rather than body mounts, unless you have some very wide radius curves and turnouts. They are not cheap either at nigh on £250 a pop + materials like paints, couplings and other sundries (there is a lot of glueing and masking involved). But you get some well made resin body mouldings, pre-formed roof, white metal bogies, etched metal detailing parts, WHR decals and shaped wood seating. Internal decoration is provided by a sheet of "wood grain" Fablon.
I'm not sure if I am going to complete this or sell it on (what as surprise given the previous paragraphs
). A complete rake to go behind my NGG16 is going to cost a lot. I might wait to see when Jurassic come out with their SAR wood coaches.