have lgb sound trolley-want standing sound


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could anyone give me precisely what capacitor, and other stuff, i would need to give my NYC trolley standing sounds?
it is sound equipped, but digital so it needs full time track current to make sound

i think, i might be able to figure out where to plug it into the board-as i have done this on a couple of other locos years back

i run analog-
i know that if you plug the LGB capacitor into the board it will have standing sounds, but they are nowhere to be found-and they appear to be only a capacitor with a plug

i am planning on running a LGB auto pendulum, point to point. This has gradual accel/decel but the power goes to zero before it reverses-so theres a time when there is no or little power to the track-which kills the sounds

-so a cap with power would give a great effect-

any specific how to help would be appreciated -ie exactly what value i need -and anything else that is relevant-i presume that the stock LGB version was, in fact, nothing other than a capacitor, without diodes or resistors-but im not sure so if someone KNOWS-it would be greatly appreciated
you have several options. Firstly, retain input power setting at the first segment on your power controller. This will provide just enough power for activating the standing sounds. This is what LGB used to recommend when using a MTS locomotive on analogue power.

Secondly, if able to hook up then the LGB sound storage capacitor pack is readily available at around $89.00usd at most dealers.

Thirdly, on my sound decoder equipped locomotives, when used on analogue, I would attach a nicad battery pack (4 X 1.2 amp hour cells) to the board as a 'buffer'. When power was turned off the battery pack powered the board. I found this method to be far superior to the LGB capacitor pack as I could run a loco at very slow speed for an extended period without fear of the capacitors depleting. Of cause, unless a charging circuit was added you would need access to the cells.
thanks tim
i like the battery option-but can it charge from the track, as do the capacitors-?

i have tried leaving the power pack at a powered up setting-and youre right -without the shuttle this works fine

-the issue is that the LGB auto reverse unit pulls the power completly to zero, regardless of the transformer setting-its part of the slow stop-reverse - accel circuit

i choke at the idea of 89 dollars for the LGB capacitor-it used to cost 39
alas, 'choking' over LGB prices is commonplace these days. I never paid less than $85.00 usd for my capacitor packs. Downunder, the packs sell for $140.00 Aud.

As regards a charging circuit for the nicads, one would need to talk to the electronic whizzkids on the forum. I was not aware that you were running a shuttle circuit.
Hi Steve
The venerable Neil Robinson posted an answer my enquiries about making a back up capacitor board and also the charging circuit,
You will have to look in the 'sounds' forum and set the time filter to 'from the beginning' the post is called and is on page 3 and was posted on 13/7/ 10 or you could put this into you browser or just click on them

this one may also be of help

These are the name of the posts
Alternative sound storage for LGB 6500x sound units
Alternative sound storage for Soundtraxx and Phoenix - same as the one for LGB modules??

Do I get the reward..please please :rolf::rolf:
why not -ask and ye shall recieve! havent even read the links yet
oops i think i clikced on the wrong footer and can t figure out how to award you the points

what a numpty !