Help needed for a Narrow Gauge Mikado k-27

Gérard Baudoin

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I’m trying to make, quite from scratch a Mikado K-27. I have bought the wheels and motor/gear from Bachmann part store with a bell!
I have found a few drawings from the web and print them to 1/20 scale for my 45 mm gauge garden railway: I must pay tribute to Billy Boven (1957, quite my age) for his #464 Rio Grande and D&R G W class 125 – the mudhens drawings very precise to create a toylike evocation of a late K-27.
I must also pay tribute to M J. snowden Bell and his “Locomotive Dictionnary”, while reading this masterpiece of know-how, I become a member of the “Railways Master Mechanic’s Association”.
Even for a toylike locomotive, It’s not a piece of cake! This is the last view of the k-27 after a boiler (100 mm water pipe and Evergreen sheet) was put on the frame to make sure the drawings and my printer are matching with the metric ruler: not so bad!
I have spent o lot of time to find photographs of the rear of the (view from tender) cabin to be able to make the rear platform and the connection with the frame and the running boards.

So my question: has anybody a clear photograph of the rear of the cabin of a K-27 Narrow Gauge Mikado to allow me to go on??

I have an Accucraft K-27 - electrically-powered - if there are any other details you would like, then you only have to ask me. Note, however, that in keeping with all other Accucraft and Bachmann models, it is actually 15mm or 1/20.3 scale, and not 1/20th. With such a large model this seemingly small difference is exaggerated to a significant figure.

It occurs to me that you really need photos from the Bachmann version - so, apart from the external appearance, I can't help you. Desolé :(
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I have an Accucraft K-27 - electrically-powered - if there are any other details you would like, then you only have to ask me. Note, however, that in keeping with all other Accucraft and Bachmann models, it is actually 15mm or 1/20.3 scale, and not 1/20th. With such a large model this seemingly small difference is exaggerated to a significant figure.

It occurs to me that you really need photos from the Bachmann version - so, apart from the external appearance, I can't help you. Desolé :(
Thanks for your answer, in fact I'am looking for pics of an original "Baldwin- made K-27", nor a Bachmann or Accucraft. to build a quite scratch built loco.
I have found some (thousands) pics on the site of Friends of Toltec and Cumbres, but only two views of the rear and they don't give me a good idea of the link between the frame, the cabin and the running boards.
I would very happy with photographs of any sort and scale! thank you in advance.

I'm sorry that I can't help you with real photos, but not many of us actually own a full-size Baldwin K-27.

If that is not good enough for you, then perhaps writing to my contact in Colorado and asking him to take photos for you might be a better idea.

However, my model, while not exactly like the full-size loco, is VERY highly detailed and would give you a better idea of the cab interior as well as the view you see in the left-hand image. To save overloading the site, PM me with your email address, and I'll start taking photos for you in the morning - it is dark here at 9:30 pm.

Je suis désolé de ne pas pouvoir vous aider avec de vraies photos, mais peu d'entre nous possèdent un Baldwin K-27 pleine grandeur.

Si cela ne vous suffit pas, alors peut-être que vous écrivez à mon contact en Colorado et demandez-lui de prendre des photos pour que vous soyez une meilleure idée.

Cependant, mon modèle, bien qu'il ne ressemble pas exactement à la locomotive pleine grandeur, est TRÈS très détaillé et vous donnerait une meilleure idée de l'intérieur de la cabine ainsi que de la vue que vous voyez sur l'image de gauche. Pour éviter de surcharger le site, envoyez-moi un MP avec votre adresse e-mail, et je commencerai à prendre des photos pour vous dans la matinée - il fait nuit ici à 21h30.
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