Help programing Massoth 4 switch decoder


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I bought two Massoth 4 switch decoders. I programmed the first one successfully but I cannot get the second one to program at all. I have tried a dozen times, using my NCC DCC on POM and Acc on Main and programming track, none of which work. I have also tried using my old LGB MTS II serial system. That one actually worked fine on the first decoder. But for whatever reason it is not working on the other one. Any ideas?

I tried the four factory resets on CV8.
I changed CV 15 and 16 to the default 243.
I changed CV2 = 77 as the manual says.
I tried changing the CVs 32,34,36,38 to 15,16,17,18 and then changed CV2 back to 0 as the manual states.
CVs 31,33,35,37 are at 0 as they should be

When I operate the device, it works fine in switch address mode as I want, but only on the default switch addresses of 1,2,3,4!
Did you connect a switch drive (LGB 12010 or similar) to the SW1 connectors on the Massoth Switch Decoder? You should hear a sound from the switch drive (click) when programming is acknowledged by the Switch Decoder.

And the the two wires from the programming device to the DCC connectors on the Massoth Switch Decoder?

The Massoth Switch Decoder 8156101 with current software is using CV15 and CV16 for the programming lock. Older units used CV2 or CV6.

The software version number can be read from CV7, but you need to unlock the decoder first.

The current instructions can be downloaded from Massoth and the programming is described in chapter 4:
8156101 Switch Decoder 4K II – Massoth Elektronik GmbH

I have tried one motor connected at SW1 and 4 motors, one at each SW1-4. This one doesn't do the acknowledge click like the other. It's as if I cannot get it to unlock.
Yes, it is wired to the programming wires.
This explains several of the discrepancies in the manual. Thank you for the most recent version. I thought I had the most recent. There are still two errors in this version that I have identified, lol.
I have the newer model decoders. I have tried CV 2 and CV15/16 to unlock. It doesn't seem to unlock.
My system can't seem to read the CVs so I am not sure what software version is loaded.
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Could it be the locking CV value has been changed on this unit? - You should be able to read the value, then alter the second CV to unlock it.

I did have one of these that would not respond, and had to use the programming module to reload the firmware.

Phil, I don't know, could be. But I don't seem to have any way to read the CV number. My NCE system has never been good at reading CVs on anything I have used except the one NCE decoder I have. According to the manual, I should be able to set CV 8 to 16 to reset the lock, or 55 to reset everything. Neither works.
If the CV lock is active I don't think you can reset it with CV8=16, you need to unlock the decoder first. And if as PhilP suggests the lock value has been changed from the default, you basically only have two options:
1) Reload the firmware
2) Try to write CV15 from 1 to 255 listening for a response to the correct CV16 lock value