Help! My wife’s cat urinated on my DCC switch turnout and extensively corroded it. I have a Piko 25520 T/O R1-LH that has been converted to DCC remote control. The urination or marking from my wife’s cat gone unnoticed until putting my train layout away until Christmas later this year. Upon disassembly removing the switch machine, decoder, along with the power wires and two “Y” interconnect rail power wires I noticed a small nut on the towel that I used to catch any loose parts. After soaking the T/O in white vinegar/water solution. After soaping, rinsing and drying the T/O, I began to reinstall the switch machine w/decoder, power and interconnect rail wiring where as I noticed an additional loose nut laying next to my assembly project. I have five other switches that I have converted the like and cannot for the life of me figure out where these two nuts go, or if there are additional parts loose that have not fallen apart from the T/O. The T/O functions normally and appears to not have any loose parts that are in need of a nut to secure!
I have searched the internet for an exploded view of the turnout to no avail. This is my rubic’s cube… can anyone enlighten me as to what these two nuts are for and where they belong on the turnout assembly? see attached pics!
I have searched the internet for an exploded view of the turnout to no avail. This is my rubic’s cube… can anyone enlighten me as to what these two nuts are for and where they belong on the turnout assembly? see attached pics!