help with fast update of Massoth decoder w/PC module


Phil S
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Today I tried many times updating a Massoth XLS using fast update unsuccessfully. This is the first time I've tried to do a fast update. i was trying to reload a sound project. The interface between the PC and PC module kept closing, I was getting failed to read data errors and the update aborted. I finally got the sound project to begin loading with the normal update but it took about an hour and I still need to check that it loaded OK.

HELP is there a secret to doing a fast update? I had the fast update cable connected to the decoders bus jack.
Cross your fingers...........just joking somewhat! I've found the Massoth PC Programming Modules are finicky. For example, I'll first try loading a sound file into a XLS DCC Sound Decoder using the SUSI Interface and then have to resort to using the slow process on my test stand locomotive. Same thing sometimes happens on Firmware using SUSI. Sometimes I'll then update the firmware using non-SUSI and then try the SUSI sound load and it works. A couple tips: Make sure the Port Interface Connect is active shown at the right bottom of the screen........sometimes changing from one process such as Sound Load to CV Programming, it knocks out the Interface and you need to use the top menu to reestablish the Interface. Also, restarting your computer between processes helps to ensure the Port Interface works properly.
I don't think any of the serial (to computer) connected PC modules, support fast update.

I have never got it to work, with my (USB connected) early PC module.
I am also led to believe that you need a minimum revision of the software, as well.

The original Serial versions of the PC module do not support Fast Update.

When updating using the SUSI interface, do not have the decoder connected to the track output of the PC module at the same time.
Also I found that resetting the PC module (power cycle) between changing CVs and Firmware Updating helped.
Thanks Mark,

I've got a reed switch coming to install in my Onboard XLS chipped LGB ABe4/4. I'll try out the fast update again when I've got it opened up.