Hi from Hampshire


I've been modelling in the large scales for a few years, and am in the process of building a very small G scale layout in my garage. Seeing an LGB Corpet got me into this, and I'm sticking with the French metre gauge theme. Due to space considerations only 4 wheel stock will be used, and I shall be modifying rtr products as well as scratchbuilding. Is there anybody else doing or thinking of doing the same?

I have a small (6 ft x 7 ft 6 in) indoor layout in my shed which is sort of 1m narrow gauge but I use a large dollop of artistic license. I'm using 45mm track with R1 curves and points but I manage to run a 0-4-4-0T Meyer and an OBB Bo-Bo diesel without looking too ridiculous. Mostly 4 wheel rolling stock apart from an Austrian railways double bogie box car with guards cabin. I have managed to squeeze in a passing loop, good siding and engine shed. Scenery is basic at the moment. My winter project is to give it a "split personality" by adding overhead lines so I can run Swiss overhead electric stock.

Keen to see your proposed layout plan.
Welcome to the forum, Lightrail. Your ideas sound very interesting, will look forward to seeing your progress! I'd love to do an indoor layout sometime, but seeing as I've still not got an outdoor one built in the last fifteen or so years I guess that it will probably wait even longer - if I can ever afford to retire, though, I have a perfect workshop space that will get converted from work to hobby area (if the Memsahib doesn't nab it for her dollshouses first.....). ;)

Lots of pics of your build-up, please! :rofl:

I've been modelling in the large scales for a few years, and am in the process of building a very small G scale layout in my garage. Seeing an LGB Corpet got me into this, and I'm sticking with the French metre gauge theme. Due to space considerations only 4 wheel stock will be used, and I shall be modifying rtr products as well as scratchbuilding. Is there anybody else doing or thinking of doing the same?

Though my Railway is mostly in the Garden I have in my Shed 2 Stations and a Fiddle Yard that fits pretty much what you are planning. The Fiddle Yard accomodates 3 4 Wheel Wagons for Run Round. 1 of the Stations about 4. The other is bigger. In the Winter I close up the Garden and run in the Shed with my Corpet and 2 Railcars to a French Timetable. You should be able to find my varying pictures if what I have done if you trawl through my Build Thread.


Oh and welcome to the Mad House!
Welcome to the forum Lightrail.

I am rebuilding a fairly large layout, but I am using R1/R2 curves due to space constraints.

So like yourself, most of my stock is 4 wheel wagons or shorter bogie vehicles, smaller BoBo locos and a 2-6-2T, as well as several 0-4-0 Stainz and diesels.

Look forward to seeing your progress....
Progress so far: I have about 13' X 6' to play with, around the edge of my workshop. One wall is clear, but the others have workbenches etc., so only the 13' along the clear wall will be permanent. This will be enough for me to run a train when the mood takes me, and the rest of the layout could be erected for a continuous run. The station layout has a loop with a goods siding and engine shed; four points in all.

As I wanted the track to have the buried look, with the sleepers hardly showing, I'm experimenting with cardboard infills, slid between the sleepers and under the rail, the surface then to be painted. By the way, watercolour paint adheres to the rail, so can be removed later.

Regarding stock; most G scale 4 wheeled wagons and coaches have overlong wheelbases for my use, so I've started altering some LGB Toytrain chassis, as they're shorter overall anyway.

Will keep you posted.