Info required about a Peter Spoerer Sound Card

The Shed

Citizen of the Republic of the North East.
Peter Spoerer Sound Card.png

Pictute courtsey of ge_rik ge_rik from his blog.

W2 connection?

Max Voltage for the motor input?

Row of jumpers bottom right, what do they control?

From anothe picture fornd on t'internet, a capacitor across the last two pairs of jumpers?

Sound card was is box of bits donated by one of my visitors, have no idea if it works, any help provided, info or details would be very much appreciated, was there a instruction or installation manual?
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View attachment 290085

Pictute courtsey of ge_rik ge_rik from his blog.

W2 connection?

Max Voltage for the motor input?

Row of jumpers bottom right, what do they control?

From anothe picture fornd on t'internet, a capacitor across the last two pairs of jumpers?

Sound card was is box of bits donated by one of my visitors, have no idea if it works, any help provided, info or details would be very much appreciated, was there a instruction or installation manual?
Have you looked at this?

It's a Mylocosound card with a Peter Spoerer branding (quite common for the distributor to put his name on it for these sound cards)

There have been upgrades over the years, but I don't think this has changed the basic card.

if in doubt, message Moonraker of this parish - he makes 'em >:)
It's an early MLS card, but not the very first ones, as it has coasting on it..

You should be good for up to 24V,but I have early instructions here..
Let me have a rummage, once the laptop has come up to working pressure..

View attachment 290085

Pictute courtsey of ge_rik ge_rik from his blog.

W2 connection?

Max Voltage for the motor input?

Row of jumpers bottom right, what do they control?

From anothe picture fornd on t'internet, a capacitor across the last two pairs of jumpers?

Sound card was is box of bits donated by one of my visitors, have no idea if it works, any help provided, info or details would be very much appreciated, was there a instruction or installation manual?
W1 and W2 call the two functions that you can use with the card, all the other sounds are automatic. I had one of these some years back and they are not bad but the newer ones are much better having proper sampled sounds. Much in this is electronically created. Pic below is the MLS wiring schematic from one of my old ones.
This shows the jumper use.

Actually I have the full manual here, if you struggle I could PM you pics of it.
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View attachment 290085

Pictute courtsey of ge_rik ge_rik from his blog.

W2 connection?

Max Voltage for the motor input?

Row of jumpers bottom right, what do they control?

From anothe picture fornd on t'internet, a capacitor across the last two pairs of jumpers?

Sound card was is box of bits donated by one of my visitors, have no idea if it works, any help provided, info or details would be very much appreciated, was there a instruction or installation manual?
Send me your email address to and I can send you the full instructions for the soundcard.

Peter Lucas
Hi Peter thanks for the offer, PhilP PhilP came good with a set of instructions, :clap: just in from testing the sound card, all good just a case of fine tuning, then what to do with it!

Many thanks chaps, all sorted.........:cool: