IP Jane price?


Got my eye on an IP engineering Jane.

I went down the mamod mod route years ago as my first steamer and sold it years ago. Ive come accross a jane in need of some TLC, repaint etc. How much do these go for does anyone know? the shop ive seen it at is a colectors place not a garden railway shop. I think ive got a spare boiler somewhere, and know these locos are easy to service but dont want to pay silly money.

Downside its a late built one as has a MSS smokebox ( the IP tooling failed I believe) but would make a great shunting loco as all mine are R/C.


AFAIK IP Eng sold on the tooling etc to PPS Steam Models, who also do their own Jenny & Janet versions.
Janes turn up on eBay from time to time, and seem to sell well, but I can't recall prices just now.

My own Jane was new in 1998 costing £235, and saw little service because of control problems on my hilly, curvy line.
Only last month I finally fitted R/C and she's been tranformed, joining the front line of the fleet.



I'm not sure about a shunting loco, with manual control though.
Thanks Rob see you have the nicer IP smokebox. It's for sale at£150 and thanks for posting the pics. How did u fit the RC?

hornbeam said:
How did u fit the RC?
There used to be a fttings kit for RC, but these seem to be out of production.
My set up is similar to many used on Mamod locos.
The front reverse lever is drilled to take a link connecting to an operating rod running back to the cab.
This rod is connected to a servo, and of course a receiver, battery and switch.
I fond the reverser needed to move about 135º, so the operating rod is geared to the servo.
This took a bit of trial and error, and wore out a few gears on the way.
The pics show it all really. The full cab was needed to hide the gubbins, and I plan to paint them black in due course.
It's quite common to use a tender to carry the batteries etc.


PaulRhB said:
Rob, Did you drill out the gears for the servo or are they available ready to fit?
The gears are a mix 'n match from some Cambrian sets I had "in stock".
I know it's a bit frustrating when someone says "I had it in the scrap box" etc.
Various plasti.c gear sets are still available from Cambrian, and others types come from hobby stockists.

Yes, I did drill out one to fit the operating rod.
Well I've gone for it! I've ordered a few add on's. Will post a thread when I start to overall it if Antibes interested?