Just saying HI

That worked! :)

Welcome to the Forum..
Funny things happen here, but we are a mostly-harmless bunch.

Welcome to the Forum! You'll find lots of different people modelling lots of different railways, as well as those who are doing their own thing, i.e. freelance modelling. We appreciate each other's work -are in awe of much of it- and love photos, so feel free to show us what you're up to. All questions are worth asking -we've yet to find a daft one. The only downside is the humour. Don't say you haven't been warned...
Welcome loopy....
Welcome to the forum. Have you a name we can use, rather than, I assume ,where you live?
I rather liked ‘loopy’ many of us have amusing nicknames that are not meant to aggrieve the owner of said nickname.
Hello - I looked at the 'Aylesbury Loop' handle, and wondered whether we were going to have G Scale underground trains :think::think::think:
Hello - I looked at the 'Aylesbury Loop' handle, and wondered whether we were going to have G Scale underground trains :think::think::think:
Does anyone remember that "April" edition of Railway Modeller many ( many) years ago when they created an article about a chap who had a model of the London Underground railway which he'd constructed under the floorboards of his house. It took me quite a while to realise it was an April Fool.

Does anyone remember that "April" edition of Railway Modeller many ( many) years ago when they created an article about a chap who had a model of the London Underground railway which he'd constructed under the floorboards of his house. It took me quite a while to realise it was an April Fool.

Not the same railway, but this is fascinating.
Our MES have an in door (mainly Thomas) layout for the younger visitors to operate with push buttons, which does have an underground line which is visible through a perspex panel on the front fascia. You only see the train when it pulls into the station. It is quite popular with people.
Does anyone remember that "April" edition of Railway Modeller many ( many) years ago when they created an article about a chap who had a model of the London Underground railway which he'd constructed under the floorboards of his house. It took me quite a while to realise it was an April Fool.

Yes and I was fooled for a few minutes. Think it could have been the Constructor?
Hello - I looked at the 'Aylesbury Loop' handle, and wondered whether we were going to have G Scale underground trains :think::think::think:
Well my shed low level could be an underground for the station above. But seriously there is a superb model doing the show rounds of one of those current Met/District line trains in Gauge 1 I think. Has onboard batteries so powered correct by electricity at motors. Think David may have featured it in one of his pics.
A few strategically placed speakers around the garden with recordings of brake squeal and "Mind the Gap!" would do it.
Dont forget an old controller with some wires disappearing into the lawn or flower bed earth.