Kingscale back?


In this month's railway magazine, there is an ad from Kingscale for a Gauge 3 Duchess of Hamilton. Anyone know anything about it? Figured Kingscale was dead after the whole A4 thing.

Is Wuhu making these too?
Saw it at the recent garden railway show at Warwick 2-3 weeks ago. Utterly stunning bit of kit, beautifully finished. Spoke to the guy who commissioned it, same one who did the recent Brittania. Doing this one as the uptake for the Britania was so good. Not sure who built it for him but def' said from China, but from a UK designer, again same as the Britania. While desiged to work well I have a feeling that a lot of these will end up "shelf queens". Just needs a matching rake of "Coronation" coaches, I think he does some very nice BR MK1's for G3, or am I confusing with the G1 stuff I saw ?

G3 far from dead in the UK at least, ok it is still a bit of a niche area. Go check out Garden Railway Specialists website. They are the "champions" for this gauge/scale 64mm/1:22.5. They do the track system, loco's (mainly resin/electric British outline), coaches, wagons, trackside features, etc'. There is a G3 society too. One or two on this forum are running G3.

Model engineer is Mike Pavie

videos and pics
Thanks for the info. I was not thinking G3 was dead, so much as Kingscale the company was dead. The whole A4 thing seemed really weird with them advertising it like crazy, and then Wuhu ending up just selling them directly.