Large-scale live steam Beyer-Garratt in Switzerland....last seen in 2014.

tac foley

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It seems that back in 2014, the then new-owner, a doctor in Germany, had miscalculated the radii of his curves, and was unable to run it, poor soul. Imagine paying almost £150K for a rather large shelf queen!

Anyhow, the builders, Balson AG, situated in Stein-am-Rhein in Switzerland, took it back for some necessary work to be carried out, and as you can see from this video, all went well.

The back-to-front settings for the valve gear are commonplace on piston-valve engines - the Accucraft version is the same, as you can see on mine -

Here it is under construction back in 2014 - there is more of it being run outdoors, as well. Note that Herr Ball and the team have 'simply' reduced every single feature of the original locomotive to suit the scale - the 7.25" gauge track represents the original 2ft gauge of the Sandstone Quarry Railway and Alfred County Railway.
