LGB 2010D Any info on this one?


Catching the fever
So I took some better pictures of my LGB 2010D and I`m interested in as much info as I can get on it, I see the number 76 on it does that mean it`s from 1976? also there are 2 holes in the back of the cab that have wires to them is this a power take off or for something totally different?

I`m adding the pictures as attachments so hopefully this works . . .

if not they`re all here plus a few more . . . http://bobgetsresults.com/?page_id=388











It looks like a standard early 1980's Stainz that has has a straight chimney fitted in place of the spark arrestor. The sockets on the cab rear are the standard power sockets for coach lighting, etc.
There should be a round sticker on the underside of the loco, with a six digit number.. This will give an idea of when the loco was made..
I think it's much to old to have the gold date-of-manufacture sticker, Phil - AFAIK they didn't come in till considerably later, I've only ever seen them on later sandwich gearbox models, never on an old clamshell.

Rob - the loco is probably early 1970's, the white markings with the '76 date don't refer to the model, I think it's a "prototypical" marking showing the next date for something, possibly a mechanical overhaul or boiler test?

The dark green painted cab, early-type chimney (smokestack) and early-type skates point to this being a very old Stainz - not one of the absolute first, the ones known as "growlers" because of their noisy geartrains, but certainly only a few years after. As Steve mentioned above, the two round holes in the cab rear are sockets for two mini banana-plug style connections to connect things like coach lighting. they connect directly into the track power picked up be the wheels and skates.

It looks to be in lovely condition, and these old locos are superbly made and virtually bomb-proof - it should go on to give you many years of good running! :)

There is no sticker on the bottom aside from that 2010D sticker.

The weight of the unit is quite heavy and feels very well built.

It is also quite quiet, it surprized me how quiet it was compared to the Big Hauler 4-6-0

Runs well and seems to be smooth.
A very nice old loco.
Looks in good nick. As said above - it should be relatively bomb proof.
The 76 reference is a Jon says but it will be the date done rather than the date due. Letzte = Last
Ah, OK, thanks Alan - I should have translated that instead of assuming! ;)

So that may well date the loco as a late '70s model? Certainly no younger than that. Will have to get the old Greenberg's Guide out and check the details against the Stainz variant chart in that.....

with the Letzte Hu 26.6.79 markings it's a 1983-86 model

Does that Help?

A 70's version would have the socket in oblong black plate and most likely be a dark brown cab, This is 80's production cab
Jon I'd already beat you to the Greenberg guide and the LOk book lol

The D also signifies it came from the Factory with a Smokestack fitted, 2010's always came with straight stacks

Double checking as this has a number 2 on the cab, not a No1 like earier 2010's it would be at the end of the run in 86, where the last 2010's were fitted with no 2 cabs as they had run out of No 1's

Although the No 1 cab was later remade and used on the Christmas Stainz but it was the later tooling