LGB 2061


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Hi all. I'm interested in getting one of these as a helper for my Stainz when pulling longer loads and as a general work horse. Does anyone know if the mechanism is similar to the Stainz one so that double heading won't be a problem? And would anyone here have one that they may be interested in parting with? I don't need dcc or sound, just a basic one would be great as I'm having trouble finding any for sale anywhere. If I can't get one I may have to think of a second Stainz, which isn't a bad compromise :laugh:
Many thanks, Tim

I'm now thinking I should've put this in the wanted section.
Great, thanks for the info. Will probably go for that if no-one has one here for me?
Funny how you've posted this just as I was stripping mine down to see if I can fit a sound decoder?

I have the same one as at Grootspoor atm, which was my first Ebay purchase. It used to belong to a vicar.

Great little engine, plenty of weight inside and they run well.

It will compliment your Stainz nicely....
I think it was our first trip on the whr that gave me the bug of double heading with diesel and steam, as K1 does with a funkey. I had a look at the 24900 style loco, but I had one before and It looked way out of scale when coupled with the Stainz.
I had one, second LGB loco I ever owned, sold to Paul-Minimans. Fun and funky little thing.
Spule 4 said:
I had one, second LGB loco I ever owned, sold to Paul-Minimans. Fun and funky little thing.

I still have it! could be for sale though? PM if interested normal disclosure on postage though.................
Thanks for the offer Paul, I think the postage may be the killer there. I have my eye on one at the moment, but now I also have my eye on a signal box. Hmmmmm, decisions!
I didn't fit the MRC decoder to mine in the end, as it would have taken me more than an evenings work to do it, due to the 3 wire gearbox motor.

Also, I had previously modified the headlamps by replacing the filament lamps with bi coloured LEDs that give the correct white/red aspect dependant on the direction of travel, so I would have had to redesign and build the circuitry that I made to do this.

The 5A decoder is now inside V51 instead. However, I can't integrate it with the LGB pcbs that have the headlights in the bonnets, so I will probably build new ones with LEDs instead of the lamps at some point?

So I'm looking for a cheap 1-2 Amp rated sound decoder for my Shoema, should anyone have one for disposal....