Phil Trains, Just Trains. 19 Mar 2012 #1 Hello, after a few hours of struggling to get the roof off my new coach i've come here.. Anybody know a way to do it? Cheers
Hello, after a few hours of struggling to get the roof off my new coach i've come here.. Anybody know a way to do it? Cheers
Nemo Registered 19 Mar 2012 #2 Not got one Phil, but here's a PDF of a similar coach. It looks as if the roof is snapped into position with tabs on the side of the roof. Ask sainty, I'll bet he'll know.$FILE/33670-1.PDF < Link To http://www.champex-linden...2797/$FILE/33670-1.PDF
Not got one Phil, but here's a PDF of a similar coach. It looks as if the roof is snapped into position with tabs on the side of the roof. Ask sainty, I'll bet he'll know.$FILE/33670-1.PDF < Link To http://www.champex-linden...2797/$FILE/33670-1.PDF