LGB/Aster Frank S smokebox flue deflector question

artfull dodger

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I know not many have a Frank S in the UK, or atleast thats what I hear, but I will ask anyway. The reason I ask is I have concerns with heat and the upper headlight lantern that I have lighted with an LED. In factory from, the Frank S has a smokebox mounted gunk tank and a head deflector above it to direct the gas flue heat up the chimney. Most remove the gunk tank as its a real plume killer. I did this and extended the exhaust pipe to the top of the chimney, crimped the top of the pipe and filed an organ slot to make a basic chuff pipe. I am debating whether to reinstall the head deflector as Frankie's smoke box isnt open at the bottom as much as other models. I know from a test steaming that the smoke box door gets very hot and I worry about the lantern directly above it on a short shelf that mounts back to the stack. Mike
So others here know, discussion on another forum concluded that its best kept in the smoke box as the smoke box door is cast metal on the Frank S and needs the deflector to keep heat levels acceptable and protect the upper lantern. As to whether you keep or discard the gunk tank or keep it. I will keep it to help keep the engine and smoke box cleaner. I am extending the exhaust pipe from the tank up the stack to help with keeping the plume more visable. If anybody wants pictures, let me know and I will take some. Atleast as of a few years ago, few if anybody had a live steam Frank S in the UK as far as Tag knew of. He did an article in Steam in the Garden magazine years ago on some improvements he did to one. Sadly the gas tank he used is nolonger available. For someone in the USA, the Frank S is one of the best starter engines on the market for the price. RH engines seldom come up for sale and are usualy quite a bit more expensive, atleast the asking prices have been near the price for a new one lately. Cheers Mike