LGB coach lighting, only works in one direction on analogue


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Hi all, I've had an issue with one of my RhB coaches since it was purchased in which the interior lighting will only work with the analogue set to one direction, but works fine on DCC. I finally took the thing apart to see what was going on - looks like somebody in the past has added a diode in each of the track pick up cables... I connected the controller straight on to the pcb with the switch and all works correctly in both directions. Just wondering if anybody knows why these diodes would have been added in and what the previous only was trying to achieve?
Maybe he was trying to dim the lights a bit by lowering the voltage! (a diode does do this a little)
It does seem like a lot off effort for very little gain if that's what he wanted to do. A voltage regulator would have worked better surely? It does look like I'm cutting them out though.
If the lighting uses LEDs then it may have been an attempt to use the coach on digital, ac, track voltage without damaging the LEDs. If the lights are ordinary incandescent bulbs then I have no idea why the diodes were added unless, for some odd reason, a previous owner wanted them to be directional.