LGB Forney 20251


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I have a LGB Forney that I am repairing and the drawing shows a coupler lift bar front and rear. This is item 44 on the drawing. What I cannot see is how the rear bar is fixed. Does anyone have a close up picture of this loco that shows this?


the front coupler lift bar is fixed via small stancheons which have a groove to accept the metal cut (lift) bar-the stancheons are easily broken with rough handling or lost altogether
the outside stancheons have a forward facing opening the center has an upward facing one

the back simply clips under the bunker to the rear moldings on the top of the rear bolster-they are quite small

ill see if i have some pics for you
the bottom of the rear of the bunker has a small lip which overhangs the rear bolster-if you look carefully there should be 2 small half open "c"s to accept the bar- just under the lip

these are immediately to the inside of the right angle downward bend of the length of the cut bar-at the intersection between teh long section and the actual lift portion (ie the handle) -

the long straight part of the cut bar fits snugly between the bunker lip and the top most line of the center coupler plate-in the small 'groove' or space between the top of the coupler plate and the bottom of the bottom lip
im sorry i dont know how to draw on the photo to show you exactly where they are and i know its hard since these are black

if you look at the bottom left star-youll see a small indent in the black plastic slightly to the right of the star -a small square seemingly removed from the bunker black plastic floor-
below that square is where the 'c ' holder is located-
mirror the same on the other side
SGR said:
I have a LGB Forney that I am repairing and the drawing shows a coupler lift bar front and rear. This is item 44 on the drawing. What I cannot see is how the rear bar is fixed. Does anyone have a close up picture of this loco that shows this?



Hi Paul
Couple of pic's attached, if you need a bigger pic PM your e-mail address

Took them when i was trying to clean all the felt tip (weathering) :bleh:
off, it helps to highlight where the ink was.
So they may not be quite as good as you need, could take more at the
weekend if you need any better.




Before felt tip removal, it really highlights where to clean

Oh Yeah. easy when you know where to look. Thanks:)
funandtrains said:
The coupling lift bars are a bit of an oddity as LGB fitted these locos with dummy link and pin couplers and lift bars are for knuckle couplers.

I intend to change the rear to knuckle, so the lift bar is going to stay

Than I looked at the dummy link & pin at the front, was going to change it for some
thing more usefull, but wasn't sure the front bogie it is mounted too is up to it.

Has any one done a conversion on one of these ???
well on the 0-4-4 version, the bottom edge of the stock pilot is the right height to catch and couple an LGB hook ( its not prototypical in any way but its functional and clearly desinged this way

--haven't figured out how to fit anything else without chopping-a real link and pin would work -a kadee might also

on the 2-4-4 versions-one can fit, without alteration, an LGB loop-(sans hook) -or a slightly less obtrusive, but not as good for pushing against another loop, one can use the very old style round loop into the pilot-they both will fit into the pocket in the pilot (cowcatcher)-this will catch a hook-(the 2-4-4 pilot does not have the same function as i described above for the 0-4-4 version)

also if you have them-the LGB snow plows for the moguls will fit onto the 2-4-4- version pilot wheel-the plow rides on the pilot wheel arm-not the chassis

and, you will need the piece designed for this to fill the gap between the boiler and the plow-its a small deck that slides into the chassis-and has trimmed corners so the plow can swivel

the plow will accept an LGB knuckle

if appropriate to your RR, they can improve the look of the forney imho

hadnt thought about the pilot not having the strength as you mention as i run short (3-6 ) trains but it could be an issue i suppose 