Now that I have extolled the virtues of short wheel based cars in anothyer thread, I have to ask for some advise. My railway is changing from a watch-em-run only to a run-em-myself via R/C and I have installed som sidings for switching. I was outside today running trains to be sure everything operates when I have visitors. I had a string of LGB "Toytrain" gondolas behind the loco. Some of my switches are R-3 radius, while others are R-1. While backing through the R-1 switches, I had derailments, part of the time. So I decided to fix the bogies in a straight position by using one screw from the underside. This seemed to help in the brief time I experimented.
Some time ago, someone posted a method of attaching a bar between the two trucks which caused the trucks to turn into curves on their own. That's the best way I can describe it. Does anyone remember the subject?
Some time ago, someone posted a method of attaching a bar between the two trucks which caused the trucks to turn into curves on their own. That's the best way I can describe it. Does anyone remember the subject?