I should think it probably has lamps rather than LEDs?

If it does have LEDs then you will need to source bias resistors, dependent on your track voltage and the current rating of said LEDs.

As a rough check, you could try a 1K resistor on 12V. See example below....

_____ = 12mA

I should think it probably has lamps rather than LEDs?

If it does have LEDs then you will need to source bias resistors, dependent on your track voltage and the current rating of said LEDs.

As a rough check, you could try a 1K resistor on 12V. See example below....

_____ = 12mA

There may also be issues about wiring as well. Long time since I messed with one but if there are red and white lights to be replaced by LED‘s then diode protection will certainly be equired depending on direction being traveled.
the voltage of LEDs to use on this LGB lce train
The LCE train as delivered from the factory does not include any lighting. There is an LGB accessory (66095) that allows you to replace the dummy motor block with one that includes a motor, and that comes with two pre-wired lights (one for each end) . . .


The instructions that come with it (https://www.champex-linden.de/lgb_p...3B382AF47F78685256AB20065715E/$FILE/66095.pdf) are merely pictorial, and don't specify what voltage the bulbs are so, if yours has been fitted with a 66095, I can't help you on the voltage. I presume that there is no (legible) writing on the already-fitted bulb?

Of course, if yours is second-hand, and the previous owner has fitted something different . . .

All the best

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Thanks all, it definitely is second hand and does have two motors, however the lights and bulb holders look rather factory fitted.
I assumed they were LEDs however on closer look I think they are filament lamps.
Thanks all, it definitely is second hand and does have two motors, however the lights and bulb holders look rather factory fitted.
I assumed they were LEDs however on closer look I think they are filament lamps.
Probably 19 V Edison screw ones, but they might be push in 5 V, as LGB use both....
Thanks Gizzy and you are absolutely right I removed a bulb and took it to my neighbour (a lot younger than me) who thought it said 19v and is Edison screw.
Thanks a million
As an aside, they do look nice with directional LEDs fitted :) I did this as part of fitting a DCC decoder, with plug-and-socket wiring the whole length of the set. It took a bit of hacking of the light guides and a bespoke PCB to support the leDs.


The LDC engine used a single bulb and had a clear plastic T shapped unit to give 3 lights. Not very good light!! I added leds to one and it was fantastic with bright leds that can be seen in the daylight.