LGB Loops


Many years ago I know that Merlin locomotives would supply a metal 'loop' instead of a centre buffer so that the locomotive could haul LGB stock. Does anyone know of anything like this for modern live steam locomotives? A buddy of mine has all LGB stock but has changed to live steam....
IP engineering also supply an alternative . http://www.ipengineering.co.uk/page82.html
Roundhouse also have done a Brass one very similar to the LGB one. Not sure if it is available as a spare though.
My loco's and non LGB stock, which is in the majority, all have Accucraft choppers so LGB stock is run in fixed rakes with either choppers at each end of the rake or just hooks for chains added to the LGB buffers. Not as flexible of course but there are some items of stock that are unlikely ever to be run together so don't need to be compatible. Should I ever need to hang a couple of Saxon 4 compartment clerestory coaches onto the back of a rake of IOM pairs there's always a bit of twisted wire ;)

Regner even have LGB couplers that have can have servos fitted to the hooks so that the locos can shunt wagons using the R/C.