LGB red Arosa passenger wagon


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Here`s a very quick review of the new red Arosa passenger wagon A 1256 from LGB (art. no. 37676). The wagon is based on the previous blue/red EW I versions, but with 2 wide windows replacing 4 standard windows. The first picture shows the new wagon to the left. A few changes from previous EW I wagons from LGB is that they have changed the color of the frame from black to grey and added lettering to the cabinet below the frame, in addition the roof has been wheatered black. The wagon is still the same shortened length as all LGB RhB passenger wagons.


They do look very nice. Have you run them yet? :D
Looks nice. i do like the small details Marklin seem to be bring to the range.
Are these 'right' in the seat arrangement??
It was either these, or a first class for the Allegra that had the standard seating arrangement, rather than that in the prototypical carriages..
A couple of years back , I dropped a Blue Arosa coach from a great height onto concrete .
When I had finished crying and dried my tears , I hied forth (or was it fifth?) to GRS and bought a replacement .
Then I started to get irritated at the sight of the old blue wreck and decided to rebuild it . Happily , the damage lent itself to conversion to the dual long window type ; I researched this (we had a quick peek round one at Chur as well) and found that the interior was done out like a lounge bar . So that's what it became . A bar on one side and seats arranged around a central table , rather like a conference room . The most difficult bit was painting the flowers to match .
Somewhere , I have a Box Brownie which I shall put to use and send pictures of the coach .
It may be that RhB have replaced the bar with seating again , so you will have to look to someone with up-to-date info on the model .

Mike Morgan
Schweers & Wall's book on the RhB (Vol 4) p156 concurs with Mike's description. It says "...seating as salonwagen...movable seating with semicircular arranged couches (? - polstergruppen) in the centre of the passenger compartment". Translation is based on imperfect school German!!

Photo on p160, top right shows 4 rows of seats at end of coach arranged in facing pairs, 2 seats to the left and 1 to the right of the aisle. In the centre of the coach, the seat are arranged in a semi-circle, with backs to the windows. On one side the semicircle is concave, the other side convex to create an s-curved aisle mid-coach.

The implication from the last para on this page http://www.rhb-info.ch/Arosa-Express.htm is that its still got its interior intact. It looks like Bemo have modelled the coach with back to back seating as well.