LGB RhB coach lighting battery conversion advice please?


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Hi folks, I'm converting my RhB passenger coach lighting to battery power. What's the best battery type to use for each coach and what voltage/power do I need?? The coaches are LGB 30510 and 30512 dating from about 2004/2005. Each coach has 4 bulbs in the ceiling (don't think they're LED's). I'm planning to fit the battery underneath the chassis and connect to the wires presently picking up from the wheels.
If I was doing the conversion, I'd use PP3 9 V batteries and battery holders fitted underneath so changing them is easy to do....
Thanks Gizzy, just tried it and it works but I was wondering if 9V was enough. Wouldn't the track voltage have been around 18V?
Thanks Gizzy, just tried it and it works but I was wondering if 9V was enough. Wouldn't the track voltage have been around 18V?
If you are using the OEM then the lights will be dimmer, but (the lamps) should last longer.
Thanks Gizzy, just tried it and it works but I was wondering if 9V was enough. Wouldn't the track voltage have been around 18V?
You could double up a pair of PP3s to give 18V but I reckon 9V would be enough....
IIRC, the internal coach lighting actually runs on a regulated voltage that is reduced from track voltage. The lighting electronics in the underframe handles the conversion.

You might want to check what voltage is actually being supplied to the bulbs by measuring it with a multimeter!