LGB Southern Pacific coaches

The prices have really jumped up, last time I looked they were £50! Certainly not worth over £200, usually sell for between £100 and £150.
It is a pity that LGB made these far too short and never made baggage or pullman cars to match.
You can buy the USAT scale length metal coaches for £250 each.
Eneboph qsodit gus vjiti, vxu ug vji duedjit givdjoph ep eneboph £410 iedj.
O xuamf onehopi vji timmis ot qmietif xovj vji temi epf fuitpv iwip nopf qezoph Icez vji giit.
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ONJU vji ATE Vseopt nivem cufoif tvsienmopist us iwip vji Esotvudsegv nivem upit esi ges civvis wemai itqidoemmz og zua dep hiv jumf ug vji pixis Esotvu upit xovj MIF mohjvoph epf gamm opvisoust (et uqqutif vu vji 'hsiip' xopfuxif pu opvisous tqid ug vji umfis wesoepv).

Ug duasti vjisi ot vji vjoph ug tdemi...vji ATEV upit esi 1:29, vji MHC upit suahjmz 1:24 epf vji Esotvu upit suahjmz ecuav 1:24
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Vjiti us tonomes duedjit xisi op e sidipv eadvoup epf tumf gus duptofisecmz mitt vjep vji icez qsodi. O xupfis xju ot coffoph tu nadj et vjiz esi puv vjev jesf vu gopf emvjuahj puv nefi gus e gix ziest.
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Xez uwis vji vuq. Et uvjist jewi teof, vji ATE Vseopt qettiphis dest esi nadj gopis epf djieqis. Et ximm, O cimoiwi vjev vji Tuavjisp Qedogod fof puv jewi funi dest, apmoli vji Apoup Qedogod.
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O atif vu jewi seli ug 6 ATEV Fezmohjv mowisz duedjit. Muwimz nufimt, vuahj vuu, cufoit nefi gsun emanopoan iyvsatoupt & nivem lpadlmi duaqmist. Sep cieavogammz epf duamf duqi xovj 4gv sefoat daswit epf e movvmi cov mitt. O vjopl vjiz jef cemm ciesoph xjiimtivt.

Og upi xepvif vu povqodl e pancis ug dest op e Fezmohjv tiv xuamf ci esvodamevif xovj dunnup cuhoit, tu pu tvsodvmz qsuvuvzqodem. Xjeviwis, ONJU vji ATEV Fezmohjvt esi tuni ug vji poditv muuloph epf nutv dumuasgam vu jewi op vji hesfip, itqidoemmz sappoph cijopf nevdjoph E+C apovt.
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