LGB Track Isolating Section - A simple way to create one


DOGS, Garden Railways, Steam Trains, Jive Dancing,
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So you use LGB Track or a similar type. If you are unsure about your Track Layout and wish to have some form of Isolation then this simple method is just for you. It also is very useful if you take LGB Track to a Show and set a Temporary Layout up on Tables. I think that the two pictures will tell you all that you need to know. But just to be sure I used a Single Pole on/off Micro Switch coupled with an LGB Isolator. This one was made some 20 Years ago, these  days for Isolation I would use a Massoth Isolating Track Clamp. Would make the Track somewhat more robust.




As you can see, the Switch is relatively unobtrusive from a general viewpoint. You could put a small Colour Tag onto the Switch. These are available from varying electrical suppliers. Black if you want to disguise it or Red if you need to find it easier. I find these also useful with DCC on occasion.

A good friend of mine has made some of these up utilising the LGB Track Isolation Section that comes with some of the LGB Signals, the Red Dot on mine was to identify my Track when we did joint Shows with our LGB Track.
That's a neat idea..
We have created a set of sidings, and at present sit the wheels (one-side) on last years Chasewater leaflet / timetable to isolate the loco's.. This is a much better idea! - to be fair, we just haven't got that far yet.. My excuse, and sticking to it!! ;)
That's an idea I've been thinking of, although with the difference that I would run the wires to a switch close to the controller. (This is because all the isolating rails would be close to the controller on the layout.)
I used the yellow insulated track joiners to create isolating sections - this diagram effectively gives you self isolation points by using the LGB switch contact.
DSC00378 (Small) (2).JPG

You can see that all the isolation is on the lower rail - the other rail is always fully live.
8) Now, that switch imbedded in the sleeper is darned clever... and just the solution I was looking for, for a particular application.
I just hoped when I penned this Topic that a few someone's out there would find it of use.