lilliput bolster wagon

steve parberry

G Scale Trains
Picked this up today from glendale and must say at £37 it is pretty good.

Comes with metal wheels, buckeye and hook and loop couplers, bag of stantions, handbrake wheel and best of all a bag of interchangable road name for european lines.

Paint appears crisp and sharp with well defined letters.

Downside is it dosent have any buffers:thumbdown:




Great wagon, I like how you can choose the operating railway logos. I'm not supposed to be asking for any more railway funds, but now I'm tempted :D
Ohhhhh, thats nice. Here's a real one one the HSB eairler this year. Complete with beer bottel
Thanks - a very useful review; I have looked at those on the shelf many a time and wondered what they were like....

Now I know I think that I may be tempted at some point - metal wheels too by the look of it.
Personally I would add cosmetic centre buffers of some sort if I buy any as they'd look strange without next to my other stock without.
I've a pair of these too - the black ones. They really do need a cosmetic centre buffer to pull off the Euro look as they're just Bachmann US models re-branded. For the price they're pretty neat, but not as solid as LGB in my limited experience. The plastic is a little flimsier - but they're over half the price so in that respect they're well worth the money.
Unless the wagons are going to be left subject to scrutiny, such as standing in a siding , does the lack of buffers really matter? Most who will use the european road names will also use the hook & loop couplings, many will have the wagons between a loco & a breakvan. Or you could just detail the trailing end of one wagon to be placed at the back of the train, by adding a buffer & tail light.