Little Brown Church

Bill Barnwell

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With Easter fast approaching I thought it was a good time to bring out my Church, "little Brown Church. The name is of a real church in the US that dates back to 1864 when it was dedicated with a song by the pastor of Little Brow Church in the vale. Song had been popular being sung by wandering groups as early as 1920 and 30ths, actually is painted brown, as that color was very cheap, song was recorded in 1932 and church is still in existence to day and is very popular for weddings and such Purchased a broken Piko country church, missing cross, bell tower had broken steeple supports, no front door and all the walls were unattached, window glazing broken, or missing. After giving all the parts a good cleaning I removed the old glue of which there was a bunch, some soft types like silicon, some hard like plastic glue. The soft stuff was no problem but the harder type was a bit of a challenge. Found that dabbing the old hard glue with acetone it would soften the glue and if I didn't use too much it would not hurt the piece. I found prints of stained glass windows on eBay from "davesattic", Carol there was very helpful and she can make them any size you want. Then ones I picked turned out not to be colorful enough so I added my own with permanent markers. Church is lit with solar powered LED's, added second led to circuit which dims it slightly but increases burn time by 25%, it shines in the foyer. Lettering was with cameo silhouette. If you want to make your own stained glass windows Tom Trigg explained how several weeks ago on the GRW forum under " stained glass windows"
Very neat job, have been pondering the Solar Light thing on my buildings for a very long time. You have managed a very neat unobtrusive solution that I will be plagiarizing very soon. Not really will say that I used an idea seen on GSC when asked.
Great restoration,is the model a U S or European outline kit/?either way looking good.
Very neat job, have been pondering the Solar Light thing on my buildings for a very long time. You have managed a very neat unobtrusive solution that I will be plagiarizing very soon. Not really will say that I used an idea seen on GSC when asked.

The church, I took the solar light apart and placed the solar panel by it's self in the roof because shape was almost the same as the roof design and build could be view by all sides, not to hard to do and I have messed up 1 or 2 but At $.98 US no big deal, usually I just drill a 1/3/4" hole in roof, cleanup hole with a small knife and force in then sealing in with silicon glue leaving the clear reflector part on to help disperse the light. If you take the light apart you can add a second LED to the circuit (in parallel) and have 2 lights like I did in the church because there is no opening in the Piko church between the vestibule and the church for light to pass thru. It dims the original a little but hard to notice but adds about 25% more operating time. I would never think that someone is plagiarizing
that is why I share, to give others ideas from my warped mind, LOL, Bill
Very neat job, have been pondering the Solar Light thing on my buildings for a very long time. You have managed a very neat unobtrusive solution that I will be plagiarizing very soon. Not really will say that I used an idea seen on GSC when asked.
Looks good, could be a skylight or velux window