Live steam at Pococno Mt Garden RR Society club meet


Hiking, cross country skiing, snowshoeing
Our club had its first outdoor meet of the season. It was in Blairstown NJ (Area where most of the scenes for Friday the 13th were shot - first episode) We had a great turnout. Weather was a bit chilly early in the day. Great layout to run on and very scenic. I made a short video of the live steamers running. I ran my Cricket, Lumberjack and Sammie. Some steep grades on the layout but the steamers managed.
That looks like an excellent day Shawn! It was great to see the variety of locos and especially nice to see the C-25 in fine voice :)
Lumberjack has a fine turn of speed and it was good to see your new Sammy running too. I guess with manual locos and steep grades you just had to open the regulator wide to get round.
Thanks for sharing