live steam osmotor


Hi, i know these were available years ago and know that Mr Cooper the proprietor/manufacturer closed the business and I understand he died, but I wondered if any info is still available. can one get drawings to build from anywhere. Are they any good at the end of the day?
Raynor J
Tom Cooper, aka Merlin made them, and powered several engines with them, a Shay, J94 in G1, and a Rheidol 2-4-0. As poor Tom is gone RIP, and Merlin went out of business years ago I shouldn't think there are any remnants. A Regner one is much the same thing, such as powering Lumberjack. I don't know if they supply just the osmotor seperately.

Oh, while I'm on this - it drives me nuts that the GR reviewer keeps calling a direct drive locomotive 'engine' (each cylinder is technically an engine) a steam motor - it isn't!!!!! /rant.
There are varying Motors about. I remember that Colin Binnie did one, he also has sadly died but I believe his son still does the bits and bobs. he may be able to help out. Also Peter Angus locomotives use a Motor, not sure who by, but he is a nice guy and may just tell you if you ask him. Oh that reminds me, he rang me this morning probably to tell me about delivery of a new loco that I am waiting for from him.
Peter uses Maxwell Hemmings motors, if I recall correctly - or at least he used to. I had forgotten about them until your post, Jon!
funandtrains said:
I heard that GRS were going to make a similar steam motor.
GRS use one in some of their Gauge 3 engines.
Peter angus locomotives use SVS steam motors. SVS are no longer in production and Peter is now using roundhouse direct drive cylinder.

Colin binnie steam motors are no longer in production as colin is now no longer with us. RIP. I have one of both the binnie and the SVS steam motors. I also know of a redundant DJB ossy motor which was used in Davids early models.

I can photograph and give dimensions of the binnie and SVS motor if you would like.