Live steam parts and accessories


Hi All,

I managed to convince a friend that what he really wants is to build a live steam engine. Double win for me as he we go through the build first, and I can learn from the mistakes. We think we can deal with all the metalwork and the design, what we don't want is to make accessories we can buy from the market.
It is going to be a gas fired Class 324 Hungarian mainline locomotive in 1:32 scale:

I think we will need the following: burner, gas tank or at least the fittings, axel pump, lubricator, valve, drain cocks if available in this scale, whistle.
Nothing has started yet. He has already built an electric Class 342 which is essentially the same engine in tank version.
I am open to any suggestions where to buy/order these. Or if there is anything else that you can recommend for a new build (ball bearings maybe).

Thanks in advance,