Live steam powered Diesel outline shunter - 1930's LBSC design


Live Steam, Live Diesel
1930's LBSC design Diesel outline - steam powered shunting loco. Here we are with a decent train. The exhaust sounds fantastic with the extra effort, the highlight is at 3:32 when I open up the diesel a few notches. It was blustery weather so there's a fair amount of wind noise across the mic. - my apologies. There is some good shunting action after the train gets accidentally disconnected at about 1:40. The loco is mighty powerful, being able to reverse the train up the tight return bend with no wheel-slip, it weighs approx. 3.8 kg dry (8lb 7oz).

The construction of this locomotive is detailed here:

Very impressive and well done indeed on the build - exhaust couldn't be better.
dave, the design of this loco is almost the same as a steam tram i have been lent by a friend, apart from the bodywork! have just put a topic up for the tram enthusiasts (gauge 1 steam tram) in this forum area about that one. i wonder if the original builder also used the lbsc design? one difference is the use of an oscillating cylinder but much the same layout generally. i hope to use this layout to make a radstock steam sentinel later, inspired more now after seeing your superb loco. thanx... martin