Loco No. 1 + Phoenix sound card


British narrow gauge (esp. Southwold and W&LLR)
Country flag
My first UK-based loco on the PLR (a Peckett, constructed from a GRS kit) has just been equipped with a Phoenix sound card (bought on eBay), after nine years of silence. Must say I am impressed with the card - though not with the price they are when new!

Many thanks to Phil Partridge (PhilP of this parish) my successor at http://rctrains.co.uk/ for reprogramming the card from a rather hefty sounding USA diesel to something more appropriate for the Peckforton Light Railway.

Sounds very believable, even Whistle sounds right. Did he use Myloco Sound noises or stuff captured from vids?
Sounds very believable, even Whistle sounds right. Did he use Myloco Sound noises or stuff captured from vids?
Hi Jon
No, it's the standard Phoenix Euro loco sound effects which can be downloaded from the Phoenix website http://www.phoenixsound.com/support/download.html . However, you need an interface cable (which costs about £70) to install them in the card - but Phil has the interface and the skills to do the installation - for less than the cost of the interface.

Sound seems totally suited to the loco - I particularly liked the sound at slow speed, very realistic.
Thanks chaps. If I had the cash, I think I would install more of these cards. They certainly offer a good range of sounds. I've wired up triggers for the whistle, bell (which I use before departing with a passenger train, as per the Southwold Rly), water fill and coal fill (though this is for an overhead hopper rather than buckets and shovel), and for boosting the sound when labouring up hill. All the other sounds happen randomly - the short blast on the whistle sometimes happens when starting but not every time. I wish it had a coasting feature such as on the MyLocoSound card, though.
