Loco Storage


The weather is pretty damp now.
I store my Ragleth in my garage (plastered and ceiling), but the humidity often gets up to 70-80%. I have a dehumidifier but cant run it all the time.
Do you think its a bad idea to store a loco in these conditions? Nothing has really ever gone rusty like tools, but my slot car track has tarnished over the years with a hint of rust.

Most of the loco is brass I think but not sure how much steel. I keep her oiled.

Where do others keep their locos and how?

Lots of my stock is kept in an unheated garage and no problems have arisen because of it. In the winter months I cover them with towels for protection but that was mainly to stop dust.
The live steam engines are kept indoors, but that decision was because of the high value and easily carried nature of them.

Lordraglan274 said:
The live steam engines are kept indoors, but that decision was because of the high value and easily carried nature of them.

Good point. Hadn't really considered that, I bet garage contents isnt part of my house contents insurance without an extra premium.
Mine live in the house too, again as i feel they are safer from theft. The electric stuff is in the shed though, and hasn't come to any harm as yet.
Cyclone said:
........ I bet garage contents isnt part of my house contents insurance without an extra premium.
Depends on your insurer. Mine's all in with the hosue insurance, and I only have to declare a high value item if it's going to be taken off the premises.

Thus my railway is covered by the standard premium, but I have to pay extra for my digital hearing aids because, surprisingly, when I'm wearing them, I take them off the premises :-

As to live steamers in the garage - my US Accucraft steamer is brass and stainless steel and it resides in the garage whenever it's not being used.

The only rusting issue that I've had with any of my stock was with a certain kit suppliers's wheelsets - but this applied to only one loco and I've changed the wheels. :bigsmile::bigsmile:
I keep my stock in a secure brick shed. All items are in old kitchen 1000mm wall units which I have fitted rubber sealing strip around the doors and latches to pull the doors tight closed, providing a sealed enclosure. I also place a moisture trap ( http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/230578913059?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649 < Link To http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm...ksid=p3984.m1439.l2649 ) in each unit to draw any dampness out. I have also done this with my electrics cupboard that holds all the controls and electronics. The moisture traps last all winter and provide a great dry atmosphere for stock and electrical bits.
Accucraft uses no ferrous metals in their live steamers. You should not have a problem with rusting. The bigger concern I have about leaving live steam locos in a volatile area (in terms of temperature) is the risk of freezing. If you choose to leave a loco in an unheated or semi-heated space, make sure all the water is out of the boiler and steam lines.
I lock mine in me cabinet,they make a nice display.
A very nice collection of locos you have there.
Nice display, best indoors I think.
For both damp and security I keep locos and power supply/control indoors. There have been a few comments on here of electronics not liking condensation and going pop!
My two Roundhouse live steamers live in boxes in my office/room indoors as do all my electric locos which makes my room look more like a toyshop than anything else but I know that they are safe there.
My Mamod loco was stored in my shed at my parents for years and never suffered from any rusting just a tarnished dome which always got a good polish before and after a run.

On the subject of storage I've persuaded my good lady that I could build a display cabinet to go by my chair in the living room in which to store my 5" gauge Simplex which currently resides in my old shed at my parents house.
I've decorated the remainder of the living room this weekend then only the bathroom to paint before I can comfortably start on the cabinet without risk of any job priority comments.
You have to be so careful where you store your locos these days especially in sheds.Keep them in the house I say,they're much safer and they look pretty nice too,as long as swmbo agrees of course.
mine are in house, some in the liveing room m,others in the engine room..
Only allowed to keep the live steam loco in the house the rest are locked away in the garage .
My simple advice would be to always allow time for electrical loco/equipment to 'acclimatise' before using ...
BTW Just had a look at the 'mositure trap', and I think that at £3.99 they are a great idea if storing outside.