Looking to rediscover lost inspiration for coal wagons


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Hi all,

Some years back I came across a thread or website or blog or forum that featured a rake of UK looking coal wagons in an outdoor setting behind a lawn and in front of a flowerbed, if memory serves. Closer inspection convinced me that they were kitbashed Bachmann TTE G scale green coal wagons. The stock looking coal loads were the main clue. I have searched for wagons off and on for the last several months and have had no luck finding them again. Does this sound familiar to anyone? I hope that the collective experience of the members here can point me in the right direction. I've purchased about a dozen of the TTE coal wagons to modify and hope to locate the original article again. Thank you for your help and stay isolated and healthy.

Please ignore this, I somehow created a duplicate post.
Unfortunately, those aren't the wagons I recall seeing. Fits the description very well, though. Thank you for the attempt.
There was a member of the forum who bashed a number of these wagons into Gauge 3 stock to sit on a transfer siding on his excellent layout. His forum name was yb281, a search might bring up some of his build threads but I think some were so long ago now that the pictures may have started to drop off.

His line still has a Facebook site which is occasionally active and has a lot of great pictures of the conversions. Wetton Gooey Light Railway