Prevarication Rules!

I have a hankering for a new steamy toy. The choice is still wide (I don't have all that many already), but as I'm so impressed with my L&M, that R/H offerings are well to the fore.
The Questions. Is a Silver Lady a better option than a Lady Anne? I recall ever coming across a Silver Lady running, but I like the sound of the 'improvements, but do they make £300 of a difference? The £300 isn't really a deal breaker, fortunately, but I know the Lady Anne is an excellent runner.
There are other options in the offing, including building a L/A from a kit, and changing the body some, but I'm not particularly into kit building so it might take a long time to finish.
Thoughts on apostcard £10 note! 
The Questions. Is a Silver Lady a better option than a Lady Anne? I recall ever coming across a Silver Lady running, but I like the sound of the 'improvements, but do they make £300 of a difference? The £300 isn't really a deal breaker, fortunately, but I know the Lady Anne is an excellent runner.
There are other options in the offing, including building a L/A from a kit, and changing the body some, but I'm not particularly into kit building so it might take a long time to finish.
Thoughts on a