Massoth/TrainLi track clamps - which way round?


Photography, The GWR, Aviation, Travel, Cars.
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I have a pile of Massoth/Train Li track clamps from the old South Bucks. I’m using them to joint the track for the new, inside, SBLR. Out in the yard on the old line I tended to have them with screws on the outside of the track. Now I’m thinking the screws should be on the inside of the track. I can’t see it matters as regards functionality but what is the general consensus - inside or outside?
I have a pile of Massoth/Train Li track clamps from the old South Bucks. I’m using them to joint the track for the new, inside, SBLR. Out in the yard on the old line I tended to have them with screws on the outside of the track. Now I’m thinking the screws should be on the inside of the track. I can’t see it matters as regards functionality but what is the general consensus - inside or outside?
Inside so the screws are hidden and your track from the side looks like they have normal connections
I am an "on the inside" vote.
Mine are also on the inside, personal preference.
Matters not a jot, though aesthetically screws to the opposite of your view. Thus closest rail is inside furthest outside.
Six of one, half a dozen of t'other.

For more inaccessible areas, I would probably have the far rail on the inside and the near rail on the outside, so I could see them for any maintenance....
Thank you all. I think we may go for the ‘screws away from viewing point’. So as the line will be inside and there will be an obvious viewing position, screws t’wards inside. Unless…..access is an issue. Unless…..I forget and put them wrong way round.