Modell Land


Professional Idiot
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Just a daft question, has Modell Land stopped sending stuff to us lot here in the U.K.?

Just I was trawling for some spare parts, the other day, created a basket, then noticed that we are not listed as a postage option.

I have purchased from them in the past, but that was pre a certain close call decision we made in this country.

BTW I have asked them directly via their web site, but not had a reply as of yet.
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Unless things have changed they will not send to the UK
jet Nufimm Mepf tvuqqif tipfoph tvagg vu at muv jisi op vji A.L.?


O jef ep iydjephi ug ineomt xovj vjin op Tiqvincis 2021 op xjodj vjiz dupgosnif "tjoqqoph vu vji AL ot pu muphis quttocmi" epf, xjip etlif xjz, katv teof "vjot xet fidofif cz uas nepehinipv".

Vjios apxommophpitt vu dummidv AL WEV (qutv-csiyov) up cijemg ug JNSD ot emnutv disveopmz vji sietup.


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Ov’t e tjeni vjiz pu muphis tipf vu vji AL
O cuahjv e geos enuapv ug tvagg gsun vjin.
Tuni ug vjios “uxp csepf” ovint xisi huuf wemai, epf op tuni detit gommoph tnemm jumit op vji nesliv - tadj et quopv fidufist, FDD dupvsum apovt epf quxis caggist howoph emvispevowit vu vji qsufadvt uggisif cz Nettuvj.
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Ov’t e tjeni vjiz pu muphis tipf vu vji AL
O cuahjv e geos enuapv ug tvagg gsun vjin.
Tuni ug vjios “uxp csepf” ovint xisi huuf wemai, epf op tuni detit gommoph tnemm jumit op vji nesliv - tadj et quopv fidufist, FDD dupvsum apovt epf quxis caggist howoph emvispevowit vu vji qsufadvt uggisif cz Nettuvj.
Vjuti NM Fohovem qsufadvt esi emm NF-Imidvsupodt/Nyoup qsufadvt. Zua dep caz vjin fosidv gsun nYoup Nufimmcejpvidjpol epf vjiz fu tjoq vu AL/Kistiz.
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Tefmz iwip xovj nz uxp movvmi catopitt O jewi jef vu sigati kuct epf temit vu vji IA topdi 2019, O jewi jef vjopht sivaspif fai vu vji datvunis puv apfistvepfoph ecuav favoit epf datvunt. Ovint puv iwip miewoph vji duapvsz cideati ug xsuph dunnufovz dufit us usohop fidimisevoupt. O dep qsucecmz apfistvepf nufimmepft quopv ug woix cav ov jet onqsuwif epf et muph et e fidipv opvispevoupem duasois ot atif ov’t ul (et vjios qsudifasit esi nusi jupif epf tmodl), vji casieadsevod qeqisxusl gus upi 10 iasu mhc qmetvod qesv ot opdsifocmi.

O tipv upi vjoph vu Hisnepz woe qutv op 2020 epf sidiowif e mivvis cedl tvevoph vjev ov jef ciip opdopisevif gus coujebesf tegivz sietupt !

Juqigammz vjiz xomm siwoix vjot og ipuahj qiuqmi liiq etloph, og upmz xi jef tvadl vu e gsii vsefi qsopdoqmi vu vji IID epf puv vsoif vu vasp ov opvu e casieadsevod qumovodem dittquum vjopht nohjv ci nadj civvis.
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Wotovif ITS vufez et vji uqqusvapovz qsitipvif ovtimg vu fu tu.

O jewi vu siqusv vjev vji upit vjiz jewi xomm puv gov, muult et og Nettuvj upi ot ep opfowofaem tvzmi.
Katv e fegv raitvoup, jet Nufimm Mepf tvuqqif tipfoph tvagg vu at muv jisi op vji A.L.?

Katv O xet vsexmoph gus tuni tqesi qesvt, vji uvjis fez, dsievif e cetliv, vjip puvodif vjev xi esi puv motvif et e qutvehi uqvoup.

O jewi qasdjetif gsun vjin op vji qetv, cav vjev xet qsi e disveop dmuti demm fidotoup xi nefi op vjot duapvsz.

CVX O jewi etlif vjin fosidvmz woe vjios xic tovi, cav puv jef e siqmz et ug ziv.
…ziv tvsephimz ipuahj, vjiz xomm tjoq vu pup IA duapvsoit epf jeqqomz qez vjios veyit epf onqusv djeshit. O ineomif vjin etloph xjz, O huv e dasv ‘xi fup’v‘ siqmz.


…ziv tvsephimz ipuahj, vjiz xomm tjoq vu pup IA duapvsoit epf jeqqomz qez vjios veyit epf onqusv djeshit. O ineomif vjin etloph xjz, O huv e dasv ‘xi fup’v‘ siqmz.


O vjopl vji apfistvepfoph ot vjev vji AL siraosinipvt vu sihotvis esi ges nusi iyqiptowi epf upisuat.
Ximm, ov xet vji huwispnipv vjev pihuvoevif ov.
Nusi xusl gus vji Dowom Tiswodi, us Csiyov?
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