Modern style push bike - from China - cheap.

I saw something similar marked 'Finger Toys' or words to that effect which included a mini skateboard. It was somewhere in Norwich - possibly one of their Poundland shops (I believe I visited four of them as their stock differs from shop to shop). I couldn't vouch for the scale though. Best I go back next week and take a 1/24th scale figure and camera with me.
do you mean something like this?

(the guy in the middle is 1:22.5 - LGB)

and again, i can not post pics! what a pity
Hi Korm. Yes, similar to the ones on the left, but smaller. I bought a couple of packs which had just two skateboards in which have been used to manufacture trollies for moving the shells on my Leopold rail gun. Also a good source of VERY small screws and nuts & bolts. But back to the bikes, from what I remember the 'spare' set of wheels were much larger than those fitted to the bicycle.
Looks like a BMX bike....