Modifying figures for the 1930s


British narrow gauge (esp. Southwold and W&LLR)
Country flag
I recently posted a thread showing how I created interiors for some of my coaches which were bashes of Bachmann Sharps into something vaguely resembling Leek & Manifold saloons. I mentioned I was populating them with figures modified to look more 1930s from those cheap Chinese figures which come up regularly on eBay. I've now put together a blog post explaining what I did as some expressed an interest in hearing more.

Here's a sample of what they finished up like ....
IMG_3306.JPG IMG_3308.JPG IMG_3310.JPG

From the pics above, Rik, a very nice job! :)

The one in the middle of the middle pic does look worryingly like David Cameron, though..... :rofl:

From the pics above, Rik, a very nice job! :)
The one in the middle of the middle pic does look worryingly like David Cameron, though..... :rofl:
Hi Jon
Guess I'll now need to make a gypsy caravan so he can sit on its steps ...........

PS - Just remembered, I don't have £25k to spare, so maybe give it a miss
Judging by the body language of his fellow travellers, it looks like he's having a bit of wind trouble, perhaps the beans he eats in his caravan are making themselves known :D:D
Nice paint job, Rik. I've painted a fair few of those figures over the past couple of years, great fun.
Thanks. As they are going to be hidden away inside the coaches, I thought they provided a good opportunity to experiment with my painting techniques.

Hmmm... Not sure about that Casey!!

(yet another) new definition of the word 'fun'! ;):rofl::rofl:
It may seem to be perverse Phil,but I do indeed enjoy figure painting wether it be large scale, 1/32 or 1/72 and a few scales in between. I must admit that occasionally I will take a break away from painting figures so that it doesn't become a chore.
To ge_rik: Your methods remind me of someone else from a few too many years ago for me to remember his name, but who used similar methods for "re-imaging" figures.