Hiking, cross country skiing, snowshoeing
Last spring I picked up a Roundhouse Sammie with the intention of modifying it into a logging engine. I was not sure exactly what I was looking for. I recently joined the 16mm association and while browsing through the Aug 2013 issue I came across a really neat modified Sammie. It was done by John Fox in the UK. As soon as I saw it I knew that's what I wanted. The picture did not show the back of the engine so it was hard to tell if trucks were added to the rear. At the time I happened to be exchanging e-mails with Chris Bird. I was telling him about the Sammie I saw in 16mm today. Lucky for me Chris had some connections and was able to get me connected with John Fox. I was able to get more photos and a description of what was done. The below photo is what I plan to convert mine into. I have to give John all the credit for how I am going to do this. Thanks to Eric Shade for the rear trucks.
Sammie out of box
Parts that I have gathered so far.
The first step will be to take out the foot plate and add a longer one to the back. The best part is the metal cab is soldered to the saddle tank. Johns way around that was to fit a wooden cab over the metal one. Then the saddle tank does not have to be disconnected from the cab. By leaving the metal cab adds support to the wooden one.
Sammie out of box
Parts that I have gathered so far.
The first step will be to take out the foot plate and add a longer one to the back. The best part is the metal cab is soldered to the saddle tank. Johns way around that was to fit a wooden cab over the metal one. Then the saddle tank does not have to be disconnected from the cab. By leaving the metal cab adds support to the wooden one.