MSS steam locomotives.


Hello !:)
Looking for something else on the web, I saw these MSS steam locomotives.
Absolute beginner in live steam, I need a ton of advices.
Thanks by advance.
MSS locos are Basicaly the Old Mamod Steam locos as they used to be supplied, they also do upgrades for Mamod Locos, ie gas burners, cylinders

You can also buy the upgraded loco sold under the Mamod name, But the Company is not the same as the Orignal Mamod Company
To make them more than a toy you need to buy all the upgrades which makes them about the same cost as basic Regner. They are however how I started in garden rail and fun if rather fast! If you are lucky there are second hand bargains.
Upgrades are not too bad if you get them from dream steam, I've had a old Sl1 for years still comes out on line, but need to change it's couplings to suit lgb, never have found a suitable on , any one got any suggestions
If your on a very tight budget I'd try the Roy wood steam model Janet. The MMS locos won't be any use as they are and by the time you upgrade them cost a lot more.

kGR models in st Mary cray had a second hand unused Jannet at £300 in 45mm worth a call if they still have it. I went down the mamod /MMS route and it's honestly not worth it, they are just toys and the quality isn't great.

If your keen to go the mamod route, tinker, upgrade and pay as you go, I'd recommend getting the body work, frames, rear drag beam and smoke box as spares then buy wheels, coupling rods, cylinders, reversing valve, boiler with regulator and fittings, in cab lubricator, buffer beams and fittings from Roy wood. Dream steam do the parts, and also the upgrades but the quality is not as good.

All these guys are on the web.
Im always eying them down on ebay but of course the prices always end up too high for me. I have always wanted one but the cost that I have to pay for a Mamod I can get an Accucraft. One day I will get lucky.
I recommend looking at the starter and basic engines from Roundhouse, Accucraft, and Regner. They are all very good engines and worth the extra cost, you will get an engine that runs very well out of the box. They all have an ample choice of models to pick from that you will enjoy.
Thank you all for your advices! They are very helpful.
If I want a MSS loco I must buy a few parts to upgrade it.
So for the same price (MSS & parts) I can buy a best loco.
It will run out of the box but be about as controllable as a burning cat, get a Roundhouse, Regner or Accucraft and you will have a reliable engine that you can enjoy and won't leave you disillusioned.
It is also worth thinking about what stock you wish to run with the loco as the Mamods are quite small, quarry size locos and quite light, if you want to pull larger rolling stock it would be better to buy a larger Accucraft loco.
Ragleth. Cheap and reliable. Doesn't run at slow speed as well as a roundhouse but it's only half the price.

Mine is great.


Edit: new forum cool I can now post images on iOS .

In her fairly original state.

I have a 32mm mamod that's on the to do list for upgrade.
Bandit said:
I only want to run short trains (4 or 5 freightcars).
Is your railway billiard table flat? Any gradient can cause an underpowered loco to stall.
Around 1980 I bought one of the first run Mamod sets but rarely ran it. Some 15 or so years later I upgraded it and changed the gauge to 45mm to run on my present line. It ran O.K. for a while but then its performance deteriorated. I wasted weeks trying to find the cause before I discovered settlement in the garden had introduced a slight gradient!
As Steve says, the Mamod/MSS are quite light, but the RWM Janet has some serious weights on board and a heavier body so it has good pulling power! Swift Sixteen do a great range of small stock, suitable for these small locos and have just launched a small coach and open wagon that look very nice.
I tried but I never found a good MSS retailer. >:( >:( >:(
My search returns absolutely no result. :o
So the MSS loco will never be on my wish list.
That's all folks ! Thank you all for your help.