My Latest Rolling Stock Builds.

Wayne Haste

Life has been busy on the bench lately. I have been producing a very broad selection of stock from Austrian 760mm, German 750mm and a couple of standard gauge wagons in 64mm scale to go on the Boerman rollbocke.

The standard gauge stock is built around a GRS 10' wagon chassis and Slaters wheel sets. While it was an interesting excersize I won't use the GRS chassis next time but build one of my own due to the weight of the whitemetal chassis. I built two wagons for the standard gauge, one for DR plus one for OBB. This one went to Auckland and was used recently at the Bi-annual national Garden Railway Convention up there. It made a good conversation piece.

Part of the builds have been some Saxon coaches to build up a collection to go with my mates new Saxon 1k, IIk and IVk. These have been uilt from styrene and decalled and painted to suit. Two was made up as rebuilds from LGB coaches and create the image. He started off with one IVk and now has so many coaches to choose from he has had to go out and acquire loco stock to now run the line. Mainly when he has a relapse with his credit card after being left alone. He is under treatment for it currently.

The other was the production of some Austrian older rolling stock for his OBB collection.

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As well as the OBB and Saxon stock I have been building some 750mm stock for my own railway. There have to be some benefits to being retired and that is I can spend time in the model room producing items. As well as this I am also currently doing a run of NZR wagons on consignment. These are different to what I normally produce so are proving an interesting interlude. These are a mixture of various lines in the Saxon area and the Rugen and Prignitz lines. All have been scratch built from styrene with decaling made locally to the numbering I require.

I am now having a lot of trouble getting them done here and are having to send overseas to get them produced. Anyone out there interested in a production run? I require white decaling plus some Saxon yellow decals producing. You are more than welcome to keep and reuse the artwork later for your own uses.

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Absolutely superb as always, Wayne - oh, and I've just dropped you a long-overdue personal email! :)

Some great builds, love the first picture of the Saxon light brown coach. What do you use for rivets on the wagons?
All the stuff above roof level, is this for the guard's communication? :emo::emo:
The "rivets" are upholstery abrading pins sourced from the local Spotlight store. I pre drill the holes and push the pins in. Just before the final push I wipe on some Super glue on the stalk at the top of the pin to help hold it in until painted. I find this works well for me in this application.
Absolutely beautifully done! Are they all scratch-built, or are a couple of them suing roofs from a couple of Bachmann G scale trams? You know, the ones with curved canopies and the clerestory roofs.
Absolutely beautifully done! Are they all scratch-built, or are a couple of them suing roofs from a couple of Bachmann G scale trams? You know, the ones with curved canopies and the clerestory roofs.
The Clerestory coaches use LGB roofs that are cut down to suit the job. All the others have been made from scratch using 2mm styrene that has been left curled up in a tight roll. This over a period of time creates the form.
Excellent builds,thanks for posting,:);)